The Spring 2011 semester is now history.

As I said in Dead Week, I only had two final exams this semester. I am truly at a loss for how I did.

Business Associations was primarily a multiple choice exam with 75 or so questions, less than 10 of which were short answer. Just like the evidence final, we were able to cross out up to five questions. Exams like this are difficult for me to gauge because there are often several answers that seem correct. While there were definitely some questions that I didn’t feel overly confident about, I left the exam feeling positive.

Secured Transactions was a beastly exam. While I felt that I knew a lot of information, I also felt that I didn’t have time to get even half of what I knew on paper. If the exam was 6 hours long, instead of just 3.5, I might have gotten most of it down. This exam will come down to whether or not I commented on only the most relevant issues. I’m hoping for a generous curve on this one.

My other two classes, Lawyering Skills II and Advanced Torts: Media Law, did not have finals. I’m counting on these two classes to provide the biggest boost to my GPA. I feel that I performed decently in Lawyering Skills II and that my Advanced Torts paper was . . . interesting?

Now the wait for grades begins. My grades have tapered off ever so slightly over the last few semesters for an overall GPA drop of 0.07 compared to my first semester grades. My hope is that this semester will be an upward boost to my GPA.