Life at Bowen has a different flavor as a 2L. I intend for this post to be a rambling of some of the musings that have been rolling around in my head lately.

While 1L felt more structured, 2L feels much more scattered. Perhaps this is because while as a 1L my classes were more-or-less with the same people, my classmates in my 2L classes widely vary depending on the class. I now share classes with former and current part-time students, with 3Ls, and with students who have transferred into the school. Where I used to be able to approach nearly any full-time 1L with questions about any of our classes, I now have to remember which of my buddies I have in the particular class I am in. While most of my 1L classes were in the same classroom where I always sat in the  same half of the same row, I now have classes in more classrooms and don’t sit in the same row for any two classes. I also don’t sit next to (or even near) the same people in more than one class.

The word “scattered” probably carries with it a more negative connotation than I really intend. Although there is undoubtedly more comfort in repetition and consistency, it is quite nice to broaden the group of students I regularly talk to. The 1L cliques are a little more broken up this time around and I think this is a good thing.

Another huge difference between my first year in law school and the start of my second year is the overall focus. As a 1L all of the focus was on learning the law and, of course, learning how to write memos and briefs. But the focus has shifted a bit as a 2L. The 2010 Fall Semester has only been in session for a couple of months and On Campus Interviews are already nearing an end. I’d have to say that there were at least two times (possibly even three times) as many firms holding interviews for 2Ls than there were last Spring for 1Ls. Depending on the day there are any number of students dressed in suits who are on their way to or from clerkships, externships, interviews and/or other non-legal jobs.

Academically speaking, my focus has also shifted a bit. I’m spending most of my “study time” working on my Law Review Note, my Moot Court brief and my weekly lawyering skills assignments (which include writing things such complaints, answers, counter-complaints, litigation plans, etc.). It seems that the substantive classes take the back seat to these writings.

All-in-all being a 2L has a much different feel than being a 1L. If I was forced to decide whether or not this is a good thing or a bad thing, I would probably say both. But I would tell you one thing for sure… I’m glad I’m a 2L and can’t wait until I’m a 3L.